Thursday, August 28, 2014

SAVE THE DATE: Girl's In Gi's

Girls in Gis is officially a big girl now…this September 27th we celebrate our 5th anniversary and we want to invite all of you to be our honored guests. One celebration just wasn’t enough.  Please join us in Austin, Texas, Denver Colorado or Oklahoma City Oklahoma for the largest event in our history. We have tons of great giveaways and treats for all the locations!
For our TX (HQ) event we have brought together brown and black belts from all across TX, lots of giveaways from our sponsors, vendors, complimentary food and lots more! Please join us on September 27th as we celebrate each and everyone of you and your contribution to this community.
Registration and information will be available soon!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Bow On

Recently I started taking some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes at my job and I thought of journaling how the journey unfolds. When a lady I train with made a joke about me going to post on my BJJ blog I thought, "Yep...that's gotta be done."
Here it is. The beginning of what I hope will be a continuous blog of nothing but honesty surrounding BJJ and all that it brings to my life.

Until next time!

Allie J